so why yellow?

to me, the color yellow signifies all things hope and joy. yellow represents the light that can be found in the most unexpected corners, the places we thought might always be blanketed by darkness. it represents a path forward, forged by our own grace and resilience, along with any support we are able to gather. it represents uplifting ourselves and uplifting others.

as a patient in residential eating disorder treatment several years ago, i desperately wanted to find my yellows--things to help me hold onto the positivity and hope that i knew existed, but could not clearly see. on social media, i requested that friends, family, and acquaintances send me pictures of anything yellow that they came across. i was expecting two or three responses, and instead, i received hundreds. hundreds of pictures of beautiful yellow flowers, sunsets, puppies, and art. hundreds of messages, words of encourangement, and messages of hope. the outpouring of love for me helped me to in turn, show myself some love. fast forward to present day, in my own full recovery, i want to give that love--that yellow hope & joy & light that i was incredibly lucky to find--back to you. wherever there is yellow, there is a way.

what can you find here?

a collection of uplifting quotes

a collection of mental health resources

a collection of yellow things from friends, family, me, and YOU!

a community of hope & healing 

a blog about life, mental health, and all of  our yellows

if you’ve already sent me pictures of your yellow things, look out for them here!:) and if you haven’t sent any yet, please do, using the contact email provided below!

add me on instagram! @wherethe.yellow.thingsare