Let’s Be Real

November, 2024

Hello there! It has been a long time since I have written, so if you are reading this, THANK YOU for your patience while I navigate my own life changes and find a new sense of balance. Today, let’s be real. I have talked about how amazing eating disorder recovery has been and continues to be—this is 1000% true, and real, and beautiful. What I haven’t necessarily talked about, though, is the fact that recovery does not directly correlate with a life full of exclusively sunshine and rainbows. There IS certainly sunshine, there ARE certainly rainbows, AND at the same time—there are ALSO rainy, stormy days. Sometimes, weeks, and sometimes, months. This is OKAY. This is a part of life. Let’s talk about it.

The reason for my recent hiatus is that I have hit one of those rainy, stormy stretches. Is my life a thousand times more colorful, more vibrant, more full, and more meaningful than when I was living with my eating disorder? Yes. Am I still a normal human being who has struggles unrelated to eating disorder history or recovery? Also, yes.

To anyone in recovery from an eating disorder or mental illness, who is facing other unrelated struggles, know that I see you. It is okay and it is normal to face life challenges while working towards or being in recovery, and it doesn’t ever need to diminish the light that IS recovery. Recovery is incredible. Working towards recovery is incredible. These are facts that do not change when other struggles arise. Both can exist— pride and peace in your recovery, while navigating other challenges. Talking about recovered life as being wholly different, in a positive way, than life in an eating disorder, is valid. I have spoken about this many times in the past. AND—life in general can be tough. That doesn’t mean that recovery is any less amazing. It just means that you are human.

It took me a moment to come to terms with this reality—that I can talk about how amazing recovery is, AND I can struggle with other things, too. One does not negate the other. I had to realize that both can exist, and that speaking about highs or lows at separate times is not hypocritical, it is just REAL. Know that ALL of your experiences are valid—the good, the bad, and everything in between (as cliché as that might sound). Real life is a mixture of all of the above. Seasons change, and it is okay to meet yourself wherever you currently are.

How can you meet yourself where you are? Acknowledge what is going on, recognize your feelings, and take time to process. Are things going great? Amazing!:) Relish in the moment and soak it all in. Do things kind of suck? Allow yourself to recognize that too, and take the space to let yourself feel the emotions you need to feel, even if you need to carry on with your normal routine. Make space to allow reality to be what it is, to let yourself feel what you need to feel, and to then do what is best for you.

No matter what type of season you are in, know that you are seen and you are loved!


New Year New *Constantly Striving for the Best Version of* Me


It’s a Balancing Act